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Image by Paul Green

Without light, nothing exists.

Lighting Design Portfolio: Quote
Lighting Design Portfolio: Testimonials

Integral to the presentation’s success is Allison Hohman’s stunning lighting design. From old-fashioned footlights and a few ceiling lights, Ms. Hohman’s strategic shadowy effects frame the performers and their surroundings in ways which amazingly replicate the smoky texture of long ago movies. Most impressive are the clipped transitions between the prison and the Matron’s room. Then there are the screaming red hues that score violent passages such as a stylized sexual violation with a broom.

Women Behind Bars

Darryl Reilly, 

Help a Handicapped God

Screaming Mimes LLC

Lighting Design Portfolio: Portfolio

The Two Character Play

HB no. 2 Productions

Lighting Design Portfolio: Portfolio

Women Behind Bars

Screaming Mimes LLC

Lighting Design Portfolio: Portfolio

Before We'e Gone

BAHR Productions

Lighting Design Portfolio: Portfolio

A Life in the Rye

Theater for the New City

Lighting Design Portfolio: Portfolio
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